About Us
Mental health is an increasingly urgent and significant topic. According to the Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey conducted in 2013, the prevalence estimate for common mental disorders among adults between the ages of 16 and 75 is about 13.3%. Of that, the number of new cases of mental health problems diagnosed in the youth population by the public sector is increasing rapidly. Youths are not only susceptible to mental illness, they also encounter specific challenges when seeking help - only about 15% of young people identified with a mental condition have received any form of professional help.
Given that mental health is a crucial element of the overall health of a society and that delayed treatment may lead to adverse consequences and serious long-term disabilities, there is a pressing need to understand the psychological and mental health status of young people in Hong Kong in order to find effective health approaches that will aid in the planning of future mental health services.

The study targets 6,000 youths aged between 15 and 24. If you are willing to participate in this study, our researcher will conduct a face-to-face interview with you. The interview process takes approximately 120 to 180 minutes. Assessments on mental health status, family and work, social support, lifestyle, and utilization of mental health services will be carried out.
The assessments will be completed during the interview, and the study does not involve any type of experiment or treatment, hence there are no known risks involved in participating in this study. All information obtained is for research purposes only. The questionnaire will be kept anonymous. All relevant documents and electronic archives containing any personal data will be stored in a password-protected file. Participation in this study is voluntary. Participants may decline to answer any questions and have the right to withdraw at any time during the study.